Joe Biden

Joe Biden

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  • Sanders abruptly ends ABC interview over AOC Senate query, highlighting tensions within the Democratic Party.
  • Malaysia tightens controls on Nvidia chips amid US pressure to prevent diversion to China.
  • Lindsey Vonn, at 40, becomes the oldest female World Cup medalist, marking her comeback after a partial knee replacement and aiming to qualify for the 2026 Olympics.
20 hours

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View News Summary
  • Sanders abruptly ends ABC interview over AOC Senate query, highlighting tensions within the Democratic Party.
  • Malaysia tightens controls on Nvidia chips amid US pressure to prevent diversion to China.
  • Lindsey Vonn, at 40, becomes the oldest female World Cup medalist, marking her comeback after a partial knee replacement and aiming to qualify for the 2026 Olympics.
20 hours

US Politics

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