Series Explores Belichick's Role in Hernandez Story
Series Explores Belichick's Role in Hernandez Story

Series Explores Belichick's Role in Hernandez Story

News summary

The miniseries 'American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez,' produced by Ryan Murphy, explores the complex life of the late NFL player and includes a portrayal of New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick by actor Norbert Leo Butz. Butz, initially unfamiliar with Belichick, prepared for the role by delving into extensive research, including biographies and podcasts, which helped him understand Belichick's profound impact and his passion for football. The series suggests that systemic issues, rather than individual failings, contributed to Hernandez's tragic downfall. Butz highlights how the tragic events surrounding Hernandez affected Belichick and the Patriots, portraying a nuanced view of Belichick's role. The actor also found the character's relationship with his father to be a significant influence in shaping Belichick's career and persona. The series airs on FX with episodes available for streaming on Hulu.

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