Rogers vs Slotkin
Rogers vs Slotkin

Rogers vs Slotkin

News summary

Mike Rogers and Elissa Slotkin have secured their party nominations for Michigan's open U.S. Senate seat and will face off in the November general election. Rogers, a former congressman endorsed by Donald Trump, won the Republican primary with 69% of the vote, while Slotkin, a three-term congresswoman, received 76.5% in the Democratic primary against actor Hill Harper. Both candidates are now focused on the general election, with Slotkin holding a significant fundraising advantage and Rogers garnering support from national Republican groups. The debates organized by the Michigan Debate Task Force will take place in Grand Rapids, Traverse City, and Detroit, with both candidates committed to participating. This election is particularly crucial as it could influence control of the Senate, given the Democrats' slim majority and Michigan's status as a swing state. The seat is being vacated by retiring Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow, which adds to the stakes of this high-profile race.

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