Putin's Sons Live in Isolation Near Moscow
Putin's Sons Live in Isolation Near Moscow

Putin's Sons Live in Isolation Near Moscow

News summary

Recent investigations have revealed that Russian President Vladimir Putin has two secret sons, Ivan, 9, and Vladimir Jr., 5, with former Olympic gymnast Alina Kabaeva. The Dossier Center reported that the boys live in extreme luxury and isolation at a heavily guarded mansion near Lake Valdai, northwest of Moscow, attended by nannies and personal trainers, and protected by the Kremlin's Federal Protective Service. They have never attended school and are privately educated by tutors, with their identities closely guarded, absent from official records. The boys lead sheltered lives, rarely interacting with others outside their household, and spend summers aboard luxury yachts in the Gulf of Finland and the Black Sea. The revelation of their existence sheds light on Putin's secretive lifestyle and raises questions about government spending on their lavish upbringing. Kabaeva and Putin reportedly sought English teachers from sympathetic countries, ensuring the staff lived in isolation with the family.

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