
View News Summary
  • 100-year-old ex-Nazi guard faces retrial for aiding in the murder of over 3,000 prisoners during WWII, highlighting Germany's ongoing efforts to bring the last surviving war criminals to justice.
  • Heroic deputy rescues pregnant woman from runaway car, highlighting the critical role of emergency response in life-threatening situations.
  • Daniel Craig corrects Stephen Colbert's mispronunciation of his last name, leading to a lighthearted exchange about the importance of proper pronunciation.
20 hours
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View News Summary
  • 100-year-old ex-Nazi guard faces retrial for aiding in the murder of over 3,000 prisoners during WWII, highlighting Germany's ongoing efforts to bring the last surviving war criminals to justice.
  • Heroic deputy rescues pregnant woman from runaway car, highlighting the critical role of emergency response in life-threatening situations.
  • Daniel Craig corrects Stephen Colbert's mispronunciation of his last name, leading to a lighthearted exchange about the importance of proper pronunciation.
20 hours
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United States Politics

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and key topics of US politics

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