Isaac Herzog

Isaac Herzog

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  • Minnesota Governor Tim Walz proposes a 'shadow government' to counter the Trump administration's perceived threats to voting rights.
  • Trump urges House to pass Senate-approved funding fix for Washington, D.C. budget, warning of severe impacts on public services if cuts are implemented.
  • Florida court reviews execution of obese inmate Tanzi, who argues lethal injection protocols do not account for his medical issues.
20 hours

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

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  • Minnesota Governor Tim Walz proposes a 'shadow government' to counter the Trump administration's perceived threats to voting rights.
  • Trump urges House to pass Senate-approved funding fix for Washington, D.C. budget, warning of severe impacts on public services if cuts are implemented.
  • Florida court reviews execution of obese inmate Tanzi, who argues lethal injection protocols do not account for his medical issues.
20 hours

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

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