Donald Trump

Donald Trump

View News Summary
  • Trump plans to revoke legal status for 240,000 Ukrainian refugees, part of broader effort to strip protections for over 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden's policies.
  • Democratic congresswomen's cringe-inducing 'Street Fighter' video sparks backlash, highlighting disconnect between party's messaging and mainstream appeal.
  • Active shooter situation reported at Florida naval base, prompting lockdown and investigation.
20 hours

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View News Summary
  • Trump plans to revoke legal status for 240,000 Ukrainian refugees, part of broader effort to strip protections for over 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden's policies.
  • Democratic congresswomen's cringe-inducing 'Street Fighter' video sparks backlash, highlighting disconnect between party's messaging and mainstream appeal.
  • Active shooter situation reported at Florida naval base, prompting lockdown and investigation.
20 hours

US Politics

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News from Donald Trump