Joe Andruzzi
View News Summary
- Federal appeals court temporarily blocks order to disclose DOGE records by Elon Musk amid ongoing legal scrutiny of his role.
- Iranian journalist joins Ukraine's Foreign Legion to fight against Russia, while a Russian war correspondent is killed by a landmine near the Ukraine border.
- Chili's opens new restaurant near Scranton, celebrating its connection to 'The Office' with nostalgic decor and a special 'Scranton Margarita'.
20 hours

United States Politics
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View News Summary
- Federal appeals court temporarily blocks order to disclose DOGE records by Elon Musk amid ongoing legal scrutiny of his role.
- Iranian journalist joins Ukraine's Foreign Legion to fight against Russia, while a Russian war correspondent is killed by a landmine near the Ukraine border.
- Chili's opens new restaurant near Scranton, celebrating its connection to 'The Office' with nostalgic decor and a special 'Scranton Margarita'.
20 hours

United States Politics
Discover the latest news, candidates, and key topics of US politics
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News from Joe Andruzzi
News from Joe Andruzzi